The City of Auburndale hosted the December Ridge League of Cities Membership Dinner Meeting on Thursday December 12, 2024 at the Auburndale Civic Center. Pastor Clay Bennett of the Auburndale Community Church gave the invocation, and the Joint Auburndale Police and Fire Color Guard presented the flags. Auburndale Mayor Dorothea Taylor Bogert gave welcome to the attendees and led the Pledge of Allegiance. The dinner, excellent accommodations and beautiful Christmas themed decorations were planned and prepared by the City of Auburndale Parks and Recreation staff.
Former Auburndale City Manager and now Ridge League Executive Director Bobby Green reported that the total attendance for the evening was 204. There were 142 city officials and 62 Associate Members in attendance. It was a great turnout with nineteen (19) of the twenty-four (24) Member Cities being represented. Dundee, with the most in attendance (19), was awarded the City Member Traveling Trophy and Chastain Skillman with (18) in attendance was awarded the Associate Member Traveling Trophy.
It was an enjoyable evening that featured the outstanding choral group from Harrison School of the Arts as the program. The group, which was represented by members from numerous Polk County cities performed beautiful holiday music for the evening. Thank you, Auburndale!