Many RLC Members from Polk County converged on the State Capital in Tallahassee Thursday January 18, 2024 for the annual “Polk County Day” event. Despite cold temperatures in the thirties, officials started their day early with a Legislative Update at the Florida League of Cities Headquarters. Casey Cook, FLC Chief of Legislative Affairs gave an informative presentation on the status of various bills being considered by the Legislature. The municipal officials then made rounds at the Capital Complex meeting with members of the Polk Delegation. An early evening reception hosted by Polk County was held with numerous state, county, and municipal officials in attendance. What a great opportunity for our member cities to meet with FLC staff and members of the Polk Delegation to discuss legislative initiatives important to all our cities.

Casey Cook, Florida League of Cities Chief of Legislative Affairs discusses pending legislation before RLC and Polk County officials during Polk County Day 2024.

RLC President Morris West and Casey Cook, FLC Chief of Legislative Affairs at Polk County Day Legislative Update.

RLC President Morris West and Treasurer Brian Yates are joined by Representative Sam Killebrew, Representative Melony Bell, and Representative Josie Tomkow during Polk County Day 2024.