The City of Haines City hosted the Ridge League of Cities September Membership Dinner at the Lake Eva Event Center. What an exciting evening! A total of 216 were in attendance including 164 City Members and 52 Associate Members. Seventeen (17) of the twenty-four (24) RLC member cities were represented. Davenport won the traveling trophy for the cities and Kimley-Horn won the Associate Member trophy. The evening started with the “City Marketplace” event where Associate Members display their products and services in an exhibit hall setting. Fifteen Associate Members participated. We thank all our Associate Members for their continued support!
Haines City Commissioner Morris West was sworn in at the 2023-2024 Ridge League of Cities President. The Florida League of Cities presented two Legislative Appreciation Awards to Representative Melony Bell and Representative Sam Killebrew. The prestigious Ridge League of Cities Nettie Draughon Municipal Official of the Year Award was presented to Morris West, and the Past President’s Plaque was presented to Auburndale Mayor Dorothea Taylor Bogert. Congratulations to you all!
Florida League of Cities President Greg Ross was present to administer the Oath of Office to the 2023-2024 RLC Board of Directors.
We were also pleased to announce that the Ridge League of Cities will team up with the Toys of Tots for the 2023 Christmas Toy Campaign. Members are asked to bring unwrapped toys to the Membership Dinner Meeting in Winter Haven on October 12, 2023. It was a wonderful evening in a beautiful setting. Thank you, Haines City!