David Cruz, Florida League of Cities Legislative Counsel was present at the September Membership Dinner Meeting in Haines City to recognize three state representatives from the Ridge League for their support of quality home rule legislation during the past legislative session. Legislative Appreciation Awards were presented to State Representative Melony Bell and State Representative Sam Killebrew. Both, Bell and Killebrew represent portions of Polk County. State Representative Kaile Tuck who represents Hardee and Highland counties within the Ridge League was unable to attend. Representative Bell was cited for sponsoring HB 23, Water and Wastewater Facility Operators. The bill requires DEP to issue reciprocal licenses to water utility workers licensed in other jurisdictions who meet certain criteria, making it easier for cities to find qualified workers to operate water and wastewater facilities. Representative Killebrew was recognizes for his assistance on various issues. Of note, he was very helpful in opposing HB 401 that would have increased sovereign immunity limits. Thank you, Representatives, for your continued support of Home Rule and positive legislation that impact our cities.